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Web Design & Development

We specialize in designing and developing web applications that are perfectly customized to your business requirements. Our web apps are responsive, fast, and secure, with ongoing support and management provided by our expert team of developers. By entrusting us with the full management of your web app, you can concentrate on driving your core business forward.

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We design and develop websites that are tailored to your business needs. Our websites are responsive, fast, secure, and optimized for search engines.

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Mobile App Design & Development

We create and develop mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. Our mobile apps are designed to be responsive, fast, and secure, with continuous oversight from our skilled team of developers. With our team taking care of all aspects of mobile app management, you can devote your attention to the essential aspects of your business.

Technology Stack


Frontend (Web & Mobile)


iOS, Android, Web (Single & Multi-Pages)


React Native, Nuxt3, TypeScript, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS

Backend / Cloud


Custom APIs, Third-party integrations


AWS, Serverless, Domain Setup, MailBox Setup



Elementor Pro, Astra, WooCommerce


Stripe, Klarna, Shopify

We constantly evolve

Tell us about your technology!

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We know that your brand identity is crucial to stand out in a competitive market. That is why we offer personalized branding solutions that capture the essence of your business and speak directly to your customers. Whether it is a logo redesign, new graphic charter, or complete brand strategy, our dedicated team is here to turn your vision into reality.

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Digital Marketing

The digital world is evolving rapidly and staying up to date is essential. That is why we offer comprehensive digital marketing services to help you maximize your online visibility and effectively engage your target audience. From social media management to SEO optimization, content marketing, and paid advertising campaigns, our team uses the latest technologies and strategies to propel your brand to the forefront of the digital stage.

Project Type
Primary Purpose
User Size
Features and Functionality
User Roles and Permissions
Additional Services
Maintenance and Support Type
Maintenance and Support Period
Hosting and Deployment

Estimate the cost of your project

Answer the following questions to simulate your quotation. The more accurate your answers, the more accurate to the real quotation it will be. If you are not sure about the answer, choose the option that you think will help you achieve your project goals.

Why use an agency ?

It is the best way to validate your idea, build an MVP in a few weeks, and grow your product with the support of technical talents.

1. Expertise & Experience


Our agency has a team of professionals with diverse skills and expertise working on various projects.

Mobile and Web Development, AI tools, Marketing and Branding, our team can provide valuable insights and solutions to complex problems.

2. Efficiency & Timeliness


Our agency has well-defined processes and workflows in place, allowing us to efficiently manage projects and deliver results within the agreed-upon timelines.

We can handle multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring your project doesn't get delayed.

3. Fully Managed Services


Unlike freelancers, we handle deployment, maintenance, and continuous improvement of your system throughout its entire lifecycle.

This allows you to focus on growing your business without worrying about the technical side.

4. Scalability & Flexibility


As your business grows, your website may need to be updated or expanded. Our agency has the resources and scalability to handle such changes effectively.

We can accommodate your evolving needs and provide ongoing support and maintenance.

Our Team
Ael Gobrecht
CTO | Full-Stack Engineer
TU Delft | BSc Computer Science
Knab & ex. n8n
Kaja Wiewiora
Creative Director
TU Delft | MSc Architecture
Ex. MVRDV & Patriarche
Nils Achy
COO | Full-Stack Engineer
TU Delft | BSc Computer Science
London Business School | MSc Management
Lena Grossmann
Full-Stack Engineer
TU Delft | BSc Computer Science
Ex. Project March | Robotics

Your Project


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